



(If you’ve donated and wish to be listed here, please email us.)

Since May 26, 2022, when Oklahoma’s Governor Stitt signed into law a complete ban on abortions in Oklahoma, we have received thousands of donations from people around the country. We are unable to keep this page updated with all of the wonderful donors that continue to believe that everyone should have body autonomy. We continue to help pregnant people access abortion care by assisting them to access healthcare in other states. Thank you to everyone that continues to support a person’s right to choose.

In 2022 over 7,000 people from around the country donated to Roe Fund! Thank you! Without your continued support people in Oklahoma would not be able to obtain access to abortion.

Ken Ackley and Karen Pope

Alex Aguilar, LCSW

Jack Alexander

Denise Allen

Sue Ames

Ellen Anderson

West Ardere

Meghan Arnold

Claudia Arthrell

Diane D. Aukamp

Estelle and Allan Avery

Maggie Baker

Joey Banks, MD

Barbara Bannon

Leah Bassity

George W. Bauer

Linda Thomas Baxter

Naomi Becker

Marilyn H Bedford

Edgar and Judy Benarrous

Heidi Bigknife

Becky and Robert Billings

David Blatt and Patty Hipsher

Alice Blue and Mark Fitzerman

Jim and Rosalie Bole

Irene Bookbinder

Rebecca Bonnar

Kent Borges

Barbara Bornstein

Anita Brakman

Susan Braselton

Suzanne Broadbent

Sherry Brumble

Jane Brumley

Molly Bryant

Kristen Burkholder

Ellen Bussard

Nancy Cain

Jennifer V. Campbell

Gabriela Cano

Thomas Carson, DDS

Leah Castella

Gordon and Pamela Cecil

Stephen Cha-Kim

Iris O. Chandler

Karen Chapman

Susan Chase and John Anderson

Peter A. Childs

Elizabeth Clark

Rev. Linda Morgan Clark

Lisa Coats

Claudia C. Cochran, CPA

Nancy Coryell

Michele Cowen

Tamya Cox-Toure

Greta Creekmore

Bob and Sheri Curry

Melba Dagy

Chuck Davis

Cindy Decker

Michael Decoteau

Dona Dezube

Doug and Elaine Dodd

Mitchell Dodson

Chris Domenick

Janet Dundee and Jeff Darby

David and Norma Egbert

Rev. Cathy Elliott

Ivy Epsilon

Lucille Ann Faulkner

K. L. Fite

Greer Fites and Vic Powell

Jodi Follweiler

Nancy Frye Foote


Gini Fox

Anita Fream

Deborah Fritts

Angie Frizzell

Mindy Galoob

Gail Gaustad - In honor of Sue Ames

Carla M. Gilbert

Barbara and Ron Glass

Amanda Goad

Robert Goins

Kurt Gwartney

Karen Hamm

Gwen Hampton

Nancy and Hank Harbaugh

Lana Henson

Marilyn Hill

Gloria S. Hodge

Kate Hoeting

Pam Holt

Amy Hossain

Meredith Howard

Janee Howe

Gretchen Hrachovec

Marilyn Inhofe-Tucker

Gail James

Ren Jender

Kelly Jennings and Richard Bunn

Rev. John B. Johnson

Stephen and Mindy Johnson

Barbara Johnston

Daniel Jones

Mary Ellen Jones

Myrna Jones

Rebecca Jones

Roy and Evelyn Jones

Davis D. Joyce

Amber K.

Martha B. Kamp

Kelly Keglovits

Cyndi Kernahan

Carmen Kinsey

James Kislingbury

Kate Kline

Roy and Judi Knapp

Natasha Kotey

George Krumme

Raeanne Lambert

Julia Lanman

Tim and Linda Larason

Devani Lemmon

Janet Levit

Laura Lieber

Anna Lombardi

Naima Lowe

Curtis Mann

Megan Marcum

Jan and Jim Massey

Abigail McArtor

Jeannie McDaniel

Nancy McDonald

Caitlynn McGee

Roger and Becky McKee

Jean McLaughlin

John Mercer

Emily Meyer

Paula G. Milsten

Jana and Alan Moring

Glenda and J. Pat Murphy

Elizabeth Nash

Dennis Neill

Martin Newman

Patrick and Jane Newman

Amy Newsome

James Nimmo

Ken and Pat Oglesby

Sarah Olzawski

Gina Osterloh

Jo Ann and Joe Parsons

Joel Patterson

Sandra Payne

Abby Picard

Peter Pierce

Liz Pillar-Little

Ann Piper

Mona Pittenger

Arthetta Pouncil

Sarah Powers

Rev. Barbara Prose

C. Quinteros

Sara Raines

Morgan Rector

Suzanne Reisman

Nik and Amy Sarraf Renshaw

Gail Zarrow Richards

Nicole Robison

Elizabeth S.

Sam S.

Martha L. Scales

Steven M. Schnitzer

Anna Schleusener

Luke Schleusener

Annie Schuver

Mary Anne Secrist

Jaxi Sehorn

Connie and John Seibold

Laal Shams

Genie T. Shannon

Jacqueline Shepperd

Rabbi and Mrs. Charles Sherman

Barbara and Stan Shrago

John N. Sieler

Barbara Shirley

Julie Skye

A Slaughter

Charles C. Stanford

Elle StClair

Joey Mechelle Stenner and Jason Farque

Susan and Tom Swatek

Temple Israel

Temple Israel Sisterhood

Temple Israel Social Justice Committee

The Mid South

Andrew Turner and Cindy McKinney

Caitlin Turner

Dan Umbarger

Amy V.

Alice Vanwormer

Quendrid Veatch

Mary Ellen Warden

“We Take Care of Us”

Vicki Weaver

Susan Weinstein
In memory of Judy Halpern
and in honor of Nancy Hunt Wirth

Mollie Weiss

Kristi Whitaker

Kristin Williams

Cheryl A. Wilson

Lauren Wilson

Varsenik Wilson

Nancy Hunt Wirth
In memory of Jackie Longacre

Gary and Kay Witt

Barbara Wolf

Larry and Phyllis Wolverton

Amber Wood

Alex and Jackie Zajac